6 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Cleaning Your Sex Toys, According to Sexologists

like doing laundry and loading the dishwasher correctly, cleaning sex toys is a necessary skill to learn, and one that most could stand to exercise more often. After all, the devices get extra-intimate with the genital region (an area definitely worth keeping clean), and many mistakes can be made in the process of sanitizing them. Since these mistakes can lead to a decidedly yeasty ordeal, it’s important to make sure you’re clear on the best methods to go about it. And that begins with truly committing to cleaning your sex toys.

“You should clean your sex toy after each use to prevent bacteria from collecting,” says Rebecca Alvarez Story, sexologist and founder of Bloomi. “Sex toys made with 100 percent medical grade silicone, stainless steel, or glass can be washed with hot water and mild, unscented soap. It’s best to let them air dry on a clean surface and then store them in a waterproof bag or clean nightstand counter. Remember to wash your toy before and after each use.”

But those rules are just basic 101-level components to commit to memory when it comes to cleaning sex toys. In order to extend their lifetime, prevent damage, and keep your genitals safe, find what exactly you should keep in mind when cleaning sex toys, and, crucially, the common mistakes to avoid.

Truth: Prime Day is like your own personal holiday (you’ve got a list of items you’ve been eying just for the occasion, including a long overdue restock of your favorite facial oil and a smart speaker so you can start a dance party whenever the mood strikes). But while you love a deal, you wish your budget-friendly haul was a little more sustainable, too.

This year, make it happen with Climate Pledge Friendly on Amazon. Consider it your filter to find products with trusted sustainability certifications like Carbon Neutral Certified, EWG Verified, and Fair Trade Certified, alongside Compact by Design, an Amazon-developed certification highlighting products that require less air, water, or packaging per use (and leads to more efficient shipping and reduced carbon emissions at scale). The Climate Pledge Friendly label on Amazon can help you shop more-sustainable products not only on Prime Day, but every day.

“Shopping for Climate Pledge Friendly products on Prime Day is a great way to get started with shopping for more-sustainable products at great prices,” says Cameron Westfall, program leader of Climate Pledge Friendly at Amazon. “Climate Pledge Friendly highlights products that meet sustainability standards and helps preserve our natural world. The label recognizes products with improvements in at least one aspect of sustainability through trusted third-party sustainability certifications, and our own certification, Compact by Design.”

climate pledge friendly

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Today, there are more than 300,000 products and 20,000 brands that are Climate Pledge Friendly spanning beauty, wellness, apparel, electronics, home, and grocery categories. Finding them is easy: Just select the Climate Pledge Friendly filter when searching for any products on Amazon, and look for the Climate Pledge Friendly label for more information on what certification requirement it meets.

What does that look like in practice? We asked Westfall for one of his favorites. “A great example is Seventh Generation’s Easy Dose laundry detergent,” he says. “This product qualifies as Climate Pledge Friendly through the US EPA Safer Choice certification, where ingredients must meet strict safety criteria for both human health and the environment. This product also qualifies for Amazon’s own certification, Compact by Design, as this product was designed and formulated with higher concentrations and smaller packaging, making the product smaller and lighter to ship. These small improvements can lead to a big change over time.”

Amazon Aware, a new private-label collection of home, clothing, and beauty products, also qualifies for Climate Pledge Friendly. The new line includes thoughtfully designed, certified carbon neutral relaxed tees, super soft organic cotton sheets and plush towels, hydrating body products, and even household essentials like paper towels made from 100 percent recycled paper. (BRB, just adding this hydrating moisturizer to cart.)

It’s all part of Amazon’s larger commitment to help preserve the natural world. “We were inspired by The Climate Pledge, Amazon’s commitment to be Net-Zero Carbon by 2040,” says Westfall. “Through The Climate Pledge, providing more-sustainable shopping options, and reducing waste, Amazon is continually working to minimize our impacts on the planet.”

Translation: The pledge doesn’t begin and end with Amazon’s carbon emissions, but also means providing more-sustainable products and reducing its waste along the way. In fact, on packaging, Amazon uses an algorithm to determine the right packaging option based on the item, and identify which ones can be sent in a flexible envelope versus a box. Psst: Padded mailers and bags are up to 75 percent lighter than similar-sized boxes—and initiatives like these have helped Amazon eliminate over 1 million tons of packaging material.

As a shopper, meanwhile, you can also level up your recycling game with Amazon Second Chance, which breaks down how to recycle different Amazon packaging items within your own community. (For anyone that’s ever been confused about recycling guidelines—so, ahem, everyone—this one’s for you.)

“Shopping more sustainably is not about being perfect,” says Westfall. “It’s about taking small steps towards preserving our natural world, which adds up over time.” Curious what Climate Pledge Friendly products we’re adding to cart this Prime Day? Keep scrolling. Happy Prime Day to all who celebrate—sustainably.

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